You have worked very hard over a lifetime for the money you have, and your dream has always been to leave that money to your children and, with any luck, to their children after them. This is your legacy and you want your offspring to have as much of it as possible. How can you ensure that their inheritance will go to them and not to their creditors or ex-spouses? A multi-generational trust may be your answer.
Request a copy of our free pamphlet, The Multi-generational trust, now to start learning more about this exciting new tool. The pamphlet will explain in greater deal how amending your existing living trust with a Multi-generational trust, also known as a beneficiary protection trust, will do the following:
- Protect the inheritance from creditors
- Protect the inheritance from spouses
- Allow the inheritance to stay in the family for many generations to come
A Multi-generational trust will ensure that your beneficiaries have access to their inheritance while protecting it from anyone else with a claim on their property or assets.
Sound too good to be true? Read the pamphlet, then give the attorneys at James F. Roberts & Associates a call at (866) 590-0886 to start planning now.