Articles about Tax planning
How High Net Worth Clients Can Avoid Estate Tax: the Qualified Personal Residence Trust
Right now, the estate tax limit is at a historical high, at $12M for those dying this year. Amounts above this are subject to a 40% death tax at death. It will remain this high until the end of 2025, which means for those passing before January 1, 2026, they may leave...Are You Worried About Estate Taxes? Call Us!
Do you worry about estate taxes and protecting your family from spending most of the inheritance you saved for them on probate. Contact us today to help you find the right estate plan for your needs.
Some People Need to Think About Estate Taxes When Creating an Estate Plan
As you create your estate plan, it is important that you understand all tax implications. Estate taxes should be discussed when creating your plan.
When Not To Name Your Spouse as a Beneficiary to Your IRA Account
Update Your Estate Plan When There Is A Second Marriage And When Not to Name Your Spouse But Also Make Sure You Provide for Your Loved Ones As You Wish.
When Do You Have to Pay Taxes on an IRA Account?
For people with IRAs, the government doesn’t allow it to accumulate forever, you have to pay your taxes on an IRA account sometime.