What life events should make me review my beneficiary designations and revise my will?
There are life events that require you write a new will or update the one you have. Here, we discuss when to take those steps.
There are life events that require you write a new will or update the one you have. Here, we discuss when to take those steps.
While there are certain obvious situations that most people understand calls for an update to your estate plan, smaller changes in circumstances can be just as important. A good example of this pertains to personal property
Clients who opt to use direct ownership as a way to keep life insurance policy proceeds out of their estates often name their beneficiaries as the new owner. However, there are a lot of reasons that a trust would be a better option for the policy funds.
Having a court-appointed guardian offers far less control for you and less protection for your family. Set up an appointment today with an estate planning attorney to make sure your family is protected.
You can name anyone you want to be your health care proxy with just a few exceptions. The health care proxy should be part of your advance medical directive. Meet with your estate planning attorney to be sure you have made a wise choice.