Terms and Definitions Every Trustee Should Know
The terms and definitions used in the trust and by those involved with you in the administration of the trust may seem like a foreign language.
The terms and definitions used in the trust and by those involved with you in the administration of the trust may seem like a foreign language.
Incapacity and End of Life Care, subjects we would all rather not think about, but are important to discuss and plan for.
An experienced trust lawyer can guide you through implementing an estate plan in California. Here we share helpful tips for trustees in California.
While you may be aware that you have several tasks ahead of you, understanding specifically the initial steps to take may be unfamiliar to you.
This bills main goal is to prevent fee gouging by California trustees. This bill would give Judges authority of fees. Read more about it here.
Do not overlook as successor trustee of a revocable living trust that you have many responsibilities. View here for 13 steps to consider taking by an Anaheim trust attorney.