
Orange County California

Trust Attorneys


Choosing a personal representative of my estate is an important aspect of creating a valid and an effective estate plan. This plan includes the documents that dictate what should happen to your assets after you die. The personal representative is the person who ultimately will be responsible for carrying out your estate’s administration and is appointed under the terms of your will.

6 Steps for Appointing a Personal Representative of Your Estate

How do you appoint someone to serve in this important role? The following are six steps to follow:

  1. Consult with an experienced attorney for assistance in creating your estate plan.
  2. Craft a last will and testament that outlines your goals and wishes.
  3. Name a personal representative who will be in charge of administering your estate after you die. Name this person, in writing, in the will.
  4. Consider whether you want to name a co-personal representative to serve alongside your initial choice. There are pros and cons to choosing co-personal representatives. Your attorney can help you decide which choice is right for your needs.
  5. Name an alternate personal representative to serve in this role in the event that your initial choice is unavailable or unwilling to act in this capacity.
  6. Execute the will in accordance with the laws of California. Every state has its own requirements for executing a valid will. For example, you may need a certain number of witnesses, a notary, and other parties present. You also must be of sound mind and acting under your own free act and volition when signing the will.

Appointing a personal representative of my estate is an important part of the estate plan creation process. Creating an estate plan should always be done under the guidance of an experienced and knowledgeable attorney. To learn more, we encourage you to contact us today at (714) 282-7488.

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